10 Box Jumps
20 Pushups
Run 1 mi
20 Box Jumps
10 Pushups
Run 1 mi
20 Box Jumps
20 Pushups

Pick the height for your jumps.  I really want to use my new box so i'm going 30"

Needed a workout I could do in the morning from home and that let me use my new plyo box!

While researching some CrossFit moves I found this:
The Official CrossFit Training Guide

This is the reading they give to candidates prior to their Level 1 Certification class.  It is really interesting and provides some awesome information about what CrossFit is all about.  It also goes through, in detail, the 9 fundamental movements of fitness and common mistakes.  It is 115 pages so not light reading.

I have gotten through just the beginning, the "what is CrossFit" kind of stuff, and it has really solidified my understanding of what it is I am doing and why.  Great resource.

Don't know why or if it is supposed to be available for free like that but enjoy it while it's there
Article of the day: Is a diet high in Protein bad for your kidneys?   (spoiler alert... it's not)

5 rounds:
Sprint 200
20 lunges
20 squats
20 situps

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