3x5 Push Press

run 400m
4 rounds:
30 second plank
30 second side plank
30 second other side plank
30 second superman
30 squats
run 400m

If you can't hold for the 30s, take a rest, then continue until you reach the 30s before moving onto the next movement.

Love that the squats are your "rest" for your core.
Modified: Just kidding about Bradley! Haha I think I would have been there for 2 hours.

"3/4 Bradley"

for time:
5 rounds
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
 -then, no rest-
2 rounds
Sprint 50 meters
5 T2B (toes to the bar)
sprint 50 meters
5 burpees
rest 30 seconds
-then, no rest-
3 rounds:
sprint 50 meters
5 strict chin ups (straight legs)
sprint 50 meters
5 burpees

Def want to start doing more benchmarks, or any named WOD for that matter, to measure our progress.  This one is perfect for a nice day.  I will be doing it on a football field and pull ups on the goalpost so i'm really looking forward to it!

For reference, "Bradley" really is:
10 rounds
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
50 squats
10 burpees
50 push ups
10 burpees
50 lunges
10 burpees
50 sit ups
10 burpees
50 box/bench jumps
10 burpees

I was looking forward to getting back into the gym...then I forgot my lunch at home so I needed a home workout.  Looking to step it up over the next few weeks.  Its funny that I feel like I've slacked off the past 2 weeks, even though I did a triathlon and the Warrior Dash but I only did 1 or 2 crossfit workouts.

Front squat

1 mile:
50 burpees:

Rest 3 min

Past results for 1mi + 50burpees
Rich - 10:58
Joe - 13:19