Begin running with a running clock going that will alarm each minute.   On each minute perform either Mary Catherines (10 each leg) or 10 pushups.  Do the Mary Catherines on the odd minutes and the push ups on the even minutes.  When the alarm goes off each minute, stop and do the exercise, then begin running again.  Keep running until you reach the goal distance, or until you get "vortexed" which is when can't finish the exercise before the minute is up.  Don't let this happen!

The score of the workout is the time it takes you to complete the set distance, or the distance you get before you get vortexed.  
50 squats
10 burpees
50 push ups
10 burpees
50 lunges
10 burpees
50 sit ups
10 burpees
50 box/bench jumps
10 burpees

I was looking forward to getting back into the gym...then I forgot my lunch at home so I needed a home workout.  Looking to step it up over the next few weeks.  Its funny that I feel like I've slacked off the past 2 weeks, even though I did a triathlon and the Warrior Dash but I only did 1 or 2 crossfit workouts.

Article of the day: Is a diet high in Protein bad for your kidneys?   (spoiler alert... it's not)

5 rounds:
Sprint 200
20 lunges
20 squats
20 situps

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