Begin running with a running clock going that will alarm each minute.   On each minute perform either Mary Catherines (10 each leg) or 10 pushups.  Do the Mary Catherines on the odd minutes and the push ups on the even minutes.  When the alarm goes off each minute, stop and do the exercise, then begin running again.  Keep running until you reach the goal distance, or until you get "vortexed" which is when can't finish the exercise before the minute is up.  Don't let this happen!

The score of the workout is the time it takes you to complete the set distance, or the distance you get before you get vortexed.  
For time.  Do 4-6 rounds
400m run
30 burpees
10 pushups
20 air squats
30 situps

So these are WODs I've been getting through the Super Spartan race to get me in shape for that.  Most of the workouts are pretty ridiculous and typically are longer because that race is like 8mi.  I'm going to be doing more stuff like this to get me ready for the tough mudder and also the super spartan. 
1 tabata round of Bottom to bottom squats
1mi run

Bottom to bottom squats are relatively self explanatory.  Start at the bottom of the squat, go up and immediately back down, that is 1rep.  The kicker is that during the 10sec "rest" you are in the bottom of the squat.  Try to stay in the squat position at the bottom, and not "rest" on your calves.  If outside, clock for 1mi starts immediately after last squat.  If on treadmill, start clock when treadmill turns on
3x5 Push Press

run 400m
4 rounds:
30 second plank
30 second side plank
30 second other side plank
30 second superman
30 squats
run 400m

If you can't hold for the 30s, take a rest, then continue until you reach the 30s before moving onto the next movement.

Love that the squats are your "rest" for your core.
Front squat

1 mile:
50 burpees:

Rest 3 min

Past results for 1mi + 50burpees
Rich - 10:58
Joe - 13:19


Jump squat tuck
Sit Ups
Plyo Push Ups
Sprint 50 yds (only do 1 50yd sprint after each round, not 21-18-15... sprints)

Jump Squat Tuck: (squat, explode up into a jump and tuck your knees into your chest at the top of the jump)
Plyo Push Up: Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the ground, perform an explosive push up that allows you to transition the hand on the ground to the hand on the plate and vice versa.

I will be doing this outdoors.  This is basically a jacked up version of a workout I saw months ago.


10 Box Jumps
20 Pushups
Run 1 mi
20 Box Jumps
10 Pushups
Run 1 mi
20 Box Jumps
20 Pushups

Pick the height for your jumps.  I really want to use my new box so i'm going 30"

Needed a workout I could do in the morning from home and that let me use my new plyo box!