This is the PT test given in the army every 6 months.  This is a general benchmark of physical fitness by the standards of the army.  Consists of max push ups, situps, and timed 2mi run.  Note that the push ups and sit ups are counted by army standards, not crossfit standards.  

Max push ups - 2min
Max sit ups - 2min
2mi run for time

Each event is scored based on your age group.  Go here for a link to the scores by age group before you do this.  Also, for the standards of the push ups and sit ups, go here for the standards of each.  Basically in push ups, arms to parallel (not chest to ground) and there is no real resting outside of the plank position.  Knees off the ground at all times, if they touch, you are done.  Situps are just regular situps it sounds like.  

To pass, you must score 60pts in each event.  For ages 22-26, this is 40push ups, 50sit ups, and a 16:36r