3x5 Push Press

run 400m
4 rounds:
30 second plank
30 second side plank
30 second other side plank
30 second superman
30 squats
run 400m

If you can't hold for the 30s, take a rest, then continue until you reach the 30s before moving onto the next movement.

Love that the squats are your "rest" for your core.
Push Press

Sit ups (do our standard)
Jump Squats (I will do prison version with hands behind my head...get down into a full squat on the down)
Push ups (chest hits the ground)

Remember, Tabata is 4 min long per move, 20s on, 10s off...and when you have 3 exercises, it is 12 min long...so do 20s Sit ups, rest 10s, 20s jump squats, rest 10s, 20s push ups, 10s rest...repeat 7 more times

We havn't done a good Tabata in a while and given all the squats we've been doing thought it wouldn't hurt to get more metcon in there.  Expect and AMRAP for tomorrow as we havn't done that in forever.