100 air squats (as)
10 Bar facing burpee (bfb) (6" height)
10 Lateral bar jump (lbj) (6" height)

80 as
9 bfb
20 lbj

60 as
8 bfb
30 lbj

50 as
7 bfb
40  lbj

40 as
6 bfb

30 as
5 bfb
60 lbj

20 as
4  bfb
70 lbj

15 as
3 bfb
80 lbj

10 as
2 bfb
90 lbj
5 as
1 bfb
100 lbj

*NOTES: BFB - Put something like 25s on a bar, do a burpee, jump over the bar, turn around, that is 1
Lateral bar jump - Jump over the bar sideways... each time you pass over the bar is a rep

CrossFit Games Open - First workout

Workout 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:


This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.

*NOTE: Yes, that is it... Burpees...for 7 minutes...yup.  Also, make sure to note that you need a target that is 6 inches above your max reach and need to touch it with both hands.  I will be doing this up agaisnt a wall (without hitting my head, I hope)

2 Rounds:
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
40 Squats
50 Double Unders

I had a long week at work and an especially long Friday so I made up a workout that could incorporate things I need to work on.
Brady and I started our CrossFit 101 class at a local CrossFit gym.  It is 1 hour, 10 classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays through the month of January.  I will post what we do on here and also my thoughts about it.  Feel free to follow along, but it may be too easy if you are already crossfitting regularly... expect that I will post 1-2 extra workouts beyond these each week and perhaps Joe will be posting as well.

Row (no specified distance)
Jumping jacks & Seal jacks (which are jumping jacks except your arms are chest level, go out wide, then clap, like a seal)
Dynamic Stretching (leg swings and arm circles)
Something else I can't remember

Row technique
Sit Up technique with abmat
Push up technique
Squat technique

Row 500m
Air Squat, Push Up, Sit Up

I like their format.  I looked at their other WODs and it basically goes, warmup (w/u), lift heavy, skill work, short WOD, stretch.  I think this fits well into what will truly make you improve and what we as a group have been slowly realizing over this past year or so.  You need to take some time to get stronger and work on skills in order to truly improve.  Also, just coming in and doing long ass-kicking WODs isn't entirely useful and isn't getting us towards our goals, even though it makes us feel we are "getting our money's worth" because we are dead.

The technique practice was short but very good.  For the first time in my lift I learned how to squat and it felt good.  I have work to do across the board but I am closer than I thought.
WOD (stolen from CrossFit Football):
2 x 40 yd sprint (15s rest b/w)
30s rest
2 x 60 yd sprint (15s rest b/w)
30s rest
2 x 80 yd spring (15s rest b/w)
30s rest
2 x 100 yd sprint (15s rest b/w)
30s rest
2 x 80 yd sprint (15s rest b/w)
30s rest
2 x 60 yd sprint (15s rest b/w)
30s rest
2 x 40 yd sprint (15s rest b/w)


100 yd burpee broad jump
Sprint 100

Don't worry about timing anything or counting or whatever, just go max effort and kick your own ass!

WOD: (straight from littleton)
AMRAP in 15
1 Burpee
1 Box Jump (24/20″)
1 Pull Up
Progress by 2 reps each round.ie round 2 would be 3,3,3 (all movements must be unbroken)
When you fail a couple times in doing something unbroken, start over at 1,1,1 and work your way up...there is no sense in trying to get 9 pull ups in a row for the last 10 min of this workout!

- Just keep going up in reps each round using only odd numbers.  Rd 1: 1, Rd 2: 3, Rd 3: 5, Rd 4: 7
- Unbroken means unbroken...if you stop doing the movement you have to start that movement over....i.e. If you are on rd 4 (7 reps) and you do 6 burpees then take a break, you have failed and must start burpees again and do 7 reps before moving on.  I realize most of us will fail on pull ups so if/when that happens, try it a couple times, then start over at 1 instead of wasting time and not getting a good workout.

I feel like we havn't AMRAP'd in a while and this one looks deceivingly tough.
20min AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

After I got done with this one, some guy in the locker room said that it was a sick amount of pull ups and push ups and he was convinced I was training for the military.  Awesome.  
3x5 Push Press

run 400m
4 rounds:
30 second plank
30 second side plank
30 second other side plank
30 second superman
30 squats
run 400m

If you can't hold for the 30s, take a rest, then continue until you reach the 30s before moving onto the next movement.

Love that the squats are your "rest" for your core.
Modified: Just kidding about Bradley! Haha I think I would have been there for 2 hours.

"3/4 Bradley"

for time:
5 rounds
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
 -then, no rest-
2 rounds
Sprint 50 meters
5 T2B (toes to the bar)
sprint 50 meters
5 burpees
rest 30 seconds
-then, no rest-
3 rounds:
sprint 50 meters
5 strict chin ups (straight legs)
sprint 50 meters
5 burpees

Def want to start doing more benchmarks, or any named WOD for that matter, to measure our progress.  This one is perfect for a nice day.  I will be doing it on a football field and pull ups on the goalpost so i'm really looking forward to it!

For reference, "Bradley" really is:
10 rounds
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
50 squats
10 burpees
50 push ups
10 burpees
50 lunges
10 burpees
50 sit ups
10 burpees
50 box/bench jumps
10 burpees

I was looking forward to getting back into the gym...then I forgot my lunch at home so I needed a home workout.  Looking to step it up over the next few weeks.  Its funny that I feel like I've slacked off the past 2 weeks, even though I did a triathlon and the Warrior Dash but I only did 1 or 2 crossfit workouts.