From Littleton

Turkish Get-Up Practice

Find your 1 Rep max Deadlift
Men start with 135lb and add weight until you fail
Women start at 83lb

-  I recommend taking a good number of sets to do this, doing one rep at a time.  When it is super easy I recommend adding weight quicker and rest less (say 15-25lbs each) and then when you are closer to that max add weight slower and take longer rest periods.
My assumption is I will go something like (135, 150, 175, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, maybe 240, etc) with about 30s-1min rest early on and probably 2-3min after I get to  200+

-GOOD FORM on Deadlifts, don't hurt yourself to get a 1RM
-When it says something like 'practice', I generally take it to mean a few things.  If you are poor in form or don't even know what it is...try to learn it, using light weight, and play with it to feel good about it.  If you know it, then work on better form with a challenging weight, break a sweat, string some together

Press - 3RM
Work up to your 3 rep max, take as many sets as you'd like, post max

'Press' means NO leg help, only shoulders/arms

CrossFit Benchmark: Annie
Anchored Sit-Ups (I may do our standard sit up instead of anchored cuz I don't like them)

Scale 1: 3x Singles

*NOTE: DO NOT BE SCARED BY DOUBLE UNDERS... just scale it to singles
Back Squat 3-3-3
AMRAP 12 min
KB Swing (52lb)
Push Up
Optional additon:
Double Under

*NOTES: Simply, in this workout, complete 1 rep of each, then 2 reps, then 3 reps, and keep going up 1 rep each round until the 12 min is up
Modified Littleton WOD

8 rounds:
7 Pull ups
7 Deadlift (135lb)

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From Littleton:

5 Rounds for Total Reps of:

1 Min Overhead Squat @95lb (or see below if you aren't comfortable)
Rest 1 Minute
1 Min Push-Ups
Rest 1 Minute

Post Total O-Squat Reps and Total Push-Ups

Scale 1:

Scale 2:
Knee Push-Ups

Going for total reps here people!  If you cannot or don't feel good doing overhead squats, please do a Back or front squat at an appropriate weight (something less than 15-20 reps in first round)

Rich: 150total reps RX'd (they didn't break it out for him)

Warm up

Work on snatch, both KB single arm and with a bar

5 rounds, for max reps, rest all you like between everything
Max reps Front Squat - 135lb - from the ground, no rack
Max reps Dead Hang Pull Up
Long story short, walk into my gym Monday ready to do the mandatory WOD below and low and behold there is a guy claiming to do a CrossFit I join in.  I'll go into mroe detail later, it was decent.

Long Excessive warm up
3 Rounds:
Lunges - 8 lengths of gym (20ft, about 8-10 lunges depending on height, so total 64-80 lunges)
15 burpees
20 KB Swings (45lb)
30 Sit ups
From Littleton

Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 75% BW

Scale 1:

Scale 2:
50% BW

For every 30 second interval you skip/miss, count a penalty of 15 KB Swings. Perform them at the end of the workout.

Real quick... just in terms of format.  We will begin posting 2 'Weekly WODs' per week, one being weighted and one not.  Our goal is to have everyone who is reading this complete these 2 WODs so that we are tracking and doing workouts together.  These will be labeled as something like the above 'Virt Weekly WOD 1 (or 2)'.  Other workouts will be posted by Joe or Myself and will be labeled as 'Optional' or if there is another reason it will be listed as such.

In other words, DO THE WEEKLY WODS.  If you want to and can work more than do the optional WODs on top of that.

Virt Weekly WOD 1:
Deadlift 5-5-5-5

4 rds:
10 Dual KB front squat (45lb or whatever you got)
10 Dual KB sumo deadlift (same weight)
10 Burpee to Box Jumps (24" or whatever you got)

Dual KB just means hold one in each hand.  For front squats I recommend holding them up by your shoulders and having the heavy part of the KB resting on the outside of your wrist.  The Sumo deadlift stance should just be wide enough to get the KBs b/w your legs and not on the outside.
Couldn't get the equip I needed for Challenge WOD, here is a workout I did, and it was AWESOME

Skill Work:
Power Clean

5 rounds:
5 Front Squat (135lb) from ground (No rack)
30 Double Unders
10 KB Swing (50lb)
5 PUll ups