6 Rounds
As many reps as possible in 2 min of:
Power Clean Thruster (115/75 lbs)

Rest 2 min.

We did this a while ago:



1 - 17
2 - 15
3 - 13
4 - 14
5 - 14
6 - 13


1 - 10 (115lbs)
2 - 10 (95lbs)
3 - 10 (95lbs)
4 - 8 (95lbs)
5 - 9 (95lbs)
6 - 8 (95lbs)


1 -10 (40 lbs)
2 - 13  (35 lbs)
3 - 11  (35 lbs)
4 - 10  (35 lbs)
5 - 9  (35 lbs)
6 - 9  (35 lbs)

I expect huge gains from both of you.
Link O' The Day: 8 reasons people drink soda and 16 reasons to stop
Here's a quote that should stop your heart: "[soda] has a pH of 2.51...To put that into perspective, consider that battery acid has a pH of 1 and pure water has a pH level of 7"....awesome

Back Squats (135/95)

One rep on the first minute, 2 on the second minute, 3 on the third minute... Continue until you are not able to complete the prescribed amount of repetitions within that minute. Oh yeah! Get some!

Lets add some times to the personal bests site.  Rich and I did this workout back in November.  My time was 11:47 and Rich was 8:23. 

Thrusters (95lbs)

Here is your goal time.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ27XzR3HJc


Video of the Day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1ZGDx4TrNo

5 Rounds:
1 min each station

Squat Clean (95/65)
Box Jumps

This should be fun. Wanted to work on my squat form and crush my chest today. I think this will be a good way to do it. Post total reps to comments. 


WOD: AMRAP 15min
15 Wall Balls (20lb)
15 Dive Bomber Pushups
15 KB Swing (50lb)
15 Box Jumps

Exercise Clips:
Dive Bomber Pushups
Wall Balls
Link O' the Day: 5lb Twinlab Protein $25 - Really good price on protein, I generally pay $40 for 6lb of the Walmart brand, Body Fortress which is pretty good.  To get $25 price you need to do Subscribe&Save, which gives you free shipping and a 15% discount on the product but you have the "sign up" to have shipments at regular intervals (1,2,3,6 mnths)...which you can promptly cancel after getting your order.


5 Rounds for time: 

7 "Curtis P's" (95/65) 
15 KB Swings (55/35) 
20 Push Ups 
15 Sit Ups 

Original Times: 

Joe: 24:51
Brian: 29:00

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uLff8fhPIQgPost Times to Comments

Article of the Day: Fat Loss 101 - Very interesting for those of us (me included) who were/are convinced that the only way to lose weight is Calories burned > Calories in.

WOD: 30 Man Makers for time. (M:35#/W:25#)

The Man Maker is done with a dumbbell in each hand. Squat and place the dumbbells on the floor. Kick out to a push-up position. Do a push-up, then a left arm row with the dumbbell. Then do a push-up and a right arm row. Kick back into a squat position and then do a dumbbell squat clean into a thruster. Here is exactly what it should look like:

Video Example