WOD:"The Horrible Hundred"

Complete the following for time:

25 Deadlifts (m - 215# / w - 175#)
25 Squat clean (m - 125# / w - 85#)
25 Thruster (m - 75# / w - 55#)
25 Overhead squat (m - 45# / w - 35#)

You will use one bar for the entire workout, stripping weights for
each movement. The rx'd men's 45# bar will loaded in the following
order to start the workout: 15# plates, then add 25# plates, and then
add 45# plates. The rx'd women's will be 35# bar loaded in the
following order: 10# plates, then add 15# plates, and then add 45#

Wanted to have a "big" lift kind of day to set up a metcon for Saturday.

Another good benchmark we can start tracking on the Personal Bests page.  Results from last time:
All dated 2/13/11 (ish)
Rich: 13:43 Rx'd
Joe: 15:20 Rx'd
Brian: 15:31 (75lb DBs, 45lb DBs, 30lb DBs, 45lb plate)

This was 4.5 months ago so I want to see PRs (or just from me if you guys aren't caught up)

WOD: 30 Man Makers for time. (M:35#/W:25#)

The Man Maker is done with a dumbbell in each hand. Squat and place the dumbbells on the floor. Kick out to a push-up position. Do a push-up, then a left arm row with the dumbbell. Then do a push-up and a right arm row. Kick back into a squat position and then do a dumbbell squat clean into a thruster. Here is exactly what it should look like:

Video Example

Needed a workout I could do on lunch and that would be reasonable on my knees (not heavy squats).  We did this a little less than 2 months ago, here were the results:

Rich: 9:47
Joe: 14:21 (with an extra push up on half the reps)
Brian: 12:26
Brady: 13:57 (with 30s)

Let's get back into this guys!

Rant of the Day:
Got a link through Mark's Daily Apple to a 7 Biggest Diet Myths Article.  Much to my surprise, the first item is (in summary) about how "low-fat is healthy" is 1980's marketing BS.  Here is a great quote:

"In the 1980s, new dietary recommendations came out imploring everyone to adopt low-fat diets. Only recently has it become clear what a mistake that was. Calling the recommendation an "uncontrolled experiment on a whole population," Dr. Michael Alderman said low-fat diets might have helped spur the national rise in obesity and diabetes."

Fat is NOT bad for you, it is good for you.  I hope that with the Internet and how fast information is proliferated, in comparison the the '80s, that perhaps this truism will make it's way to every household.  The problem is that there are so many companies who have Billions invested in products that are Low-Fat and they will continue to pepper people with messages that they are making great choices by eating low-fat (or frankly just to avoid fat in general).  Even the products that would be viewed as "progress" have just been the same product wrapped in slick marketing (if you shine up a turd, it is still a turd).  What is so concerning is that these companies and their advertising are much more pervasive, persuasive, and prevalent than true research or facts because profits are at stake (alliteration aside,  I am a HUGE capitalism fan so I have no problem with a company producing a product and then trying to make money on it...although I am growing tired of advertising strategies).  In other words, the healthy world (us) know fat is good, we know grains are bad, because we want to know...most people are still convinced of the opposite because that is what they see and have always understood.

What prompted my rant though isn't advertising or that I found yet another source that is telling the truth about fat.  It's that people are unwilling to stare evidence in the face and react almost viscerally when I tell them about my "Caveman diet".  The first reaction I get is usually, "I could never give up (insert carb word here), you must have incredible willpower" (great job making an excuse for yourself before we've even started the conversation).  Next I try to explain simply and without being preachy how we, as humans, were designed to eat certain foods and that grains are not part of the equation.  Another common reaction I get is "your cholesterol must be soo high, that much fat is bad for you".  First, I am here to tell you that is false.  Second, my health markers are all fantastic.  If the person is currently trying to lose weight they usually talk about how they have pretty much given up meat.  Awesome, good choice...because you know who is the picture of health?  A vegetarian..that malnourished look is in right now. 

They refuse to even entertain the idea, so why did you even ask?  Also, I am not even close to an elite athlete, but I would say I look pretty darn healthy, and rarely am I talking to someone about this who looks healthier than I do (again, not because I am that fantastic, but because they are likely out of shape because they are an American human and the statistics say so and we are talking about diet/exercise).  What makes them think doing the same thing (eating according to the BS food pyramid) will produce different results?...there is some joke about the definition of insanity there.  All the while they are talking to someone who is in good shape and good health and is doing something different than them...ya know, gee, maybe that person is onto something.  But nope, they will argue with me and then continue being unhappy with their body and trying misery diets (pretty much all of them, because you have to be miserable to succeed).

I'm not trying to convert anyone, and I hate helping people who aren't willing to help themselves..but when people are generally unhappy with their body, and their diet, and they ask me, I will tell them as much as I know about what i'm doing.  If they had even an iota of an open mind they might be happy and healthier, which is the whole point.
Something a little different as people try to catch up.

5 rounds - Max Pull ups
Rest as necessary between rounds.  When you let go of the bar you are done for that round

20 Power Snatches + Overhead Squat (60lb bar)
Not for time.  Just to work on the form for both movements as they are difficult

30 Good Mornings (60 lbs)
Not for time.  Work on the form, these are great movements that work a TON of your body.

Post your feelings to the comments
Work up to 1 rep Max Bench Squat (see below for explanation)
Rest as needed b/w sets and before moving on


10 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 KB Swings (55lb)
5 Plyo Push ups
10 Box Jumps

Post Max squat weight and # reps on the AMRAP to comments.

Bench Squat: Put something (bench, box, whatever) under your butt to sit back (not down) onto at the bottom of your squat that makes you parallel (not too high).  You sit back onto the box, pause for a split second and go back to the starting position.  It is not bounce off the box and go, nor is it graze the box and go.

Plyo Push Up:Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the ground, perform an explosive push ups that allows you to transition the hand on the ground to the hand on the plate and vice versa (I may just do this eyeballing it so I don't crush my hand on a plate)

When it says "work up to your 1 rep max" it means take a couple sets to get there.  If you think you will max out at 300, try going 95, 145, 185, 225, 275, 285, 300.  Or something like that.  Feel free to do 2 or 3 reps at the lower weights but other than a warmup set, don't do more than that.

A lot of explanation but I think this will be good to try.  Also, trying to get the heavier stuff back in here but def don't want to lose the cardio so hybrid workouts are the soup de jour.
Super Important Link:  10 things to wrap in bacon    This is also a great site in general


3 Rounds
Max Rep Deadlift choose your weight (I will use 75lb DBs)
Rest 90 seconds

Post weight used and reps performed
Rest as needed after last set


6 Rounds
Sprint 100
10 Burpees
Rest 90 seconds
Post time to comments

This is one of my favorite kind of workouts, a good hybrid.  I plan to do my deadlifts inside and then get outside for the other part

Article of the minute: Is Meat Bad for You? .. This article is more about tearing down weak studies that get published and plant incorrect ideas in the public's head.  This is a real problem because people take these "findings" as gospel, like that fat is bad for you. If you asked anyone with any data/stats/research background if these studies are any good they would laugh.

3 Rounds:
10 Kettlebell Swing (52/35 lbs)
10 Knees to Elbows (or 20 hanging knee raise if that is all the equipment you have)


3 Rounds
10 Pull ups
15 Pushups
20 Box Jumps

Post time to comments.

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Two main topics I want to get out there:

1) What should be the name of our group/site
Are we happy with CrossFit Virt? (the meaning was that it is "virtual", as in, no physical gym)
Anyone have any ideas?
Brady suggested CrossFit Chaos
I'll try to think of some and post to comments.
The site look would remain the same and it would be easy to copy over, we just have to go to a new site address and find all references to Virt and change them

2) Any interest in having t-shirts (or other gear made)?
If we could get shirts for <$25 and maybe knit hats for <$15 I would be all over it.  What do you guys think? We have discussed how no one has any design skills but there were a ton of examples at the Regionals this past weekend and it might not be all that hard.  We get a black shirt, put some B.A. quote on the back, then just put our name in cool lettering on the front...and obviously keep our sweet burnt orange color

I have attached some t shirt examples above.  I'm looking for comments on the front design, the saying for the back, and the possible symbol (on the last slide), and color.  Or if there is no interest I will let it die.