WOD: Modified From Littleton
Modified “Linda”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 185lb
KB Swing: 45lb
Clean & Jerk: 115lb

WOD: Adapted from CrossFit Football "Quarter gone bad
Five rounds for total reps of:

Thrusters 95 lbs, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Pull Ups & Push Ups*, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds

Pull Ups & Push Ups - I am going to do both within the same 15 seconds...basically I am going to do pull ups to failure, then push ups to failure, and if I still have time i'll go back to pull ups, then back to push ups..etc...always starting with pull ups

It has been a few weeks since my last post.  Couple things going on in my life that made CrossFit secondary but hopefully I am back on the train now.  Here is the plan: I have mentioned this before that I think there is a solid formula for a workout that will be most beneficial for improvements that I have seen a few other gyms use and I also intend to follow:

5-7min Warmup - nothing fancy, focus on getting a minor sweat going and getting the muscles you are going to use warm (i.e. if you are squatting, do some squats to warm up)
10-15min Strength work - I have been using the Wendler model, but pick your own.  Doing the WOD alone will make you stronger but you need to do some lifting to really see some gains in your CrossFit
10-15min Skill Work - Again, take some time to get better at the things you struggle with (do some O-lifts, handstand push ups, double unders)
10-20min WOD - Here is your CrossFit
5-7min Stretch - My super-lamen formula.  Take a couple minutes to stretch what you used during the workout, then take at least 4 min doing LONG stretches on things that are tight (i.e. for me, with very tight hips, I should do a 2min stretch on each side....other days I work on calves, these are my tight spots)
Total Time: Approx 1hr

I am most certainly a lamen so don't take my word for the above being the best based on my knowledge.  But I like to think I am good at learning from others who are experts and observing.  This is what i've seen very well educated CrossFit gyms/people doing and dammit, it makes sense.  If you don't have that hour, just prioritize...most of the time I would say do a quicker warmup and hit the WOD if you have 20 min but perhaps your goals dictate that you should take that time and just stretch, or just do skill work...whatever, it's all training...just be sure you are actually working towards your goals and not just saying them.

Lastly, I am going to only post WODs from now on (maybe occassionaly mentioning strength or skill work).  That way if you are looking for it you can find it... and you aren't just looking at my workout log.

WOD: From Crossfit Football
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:

7 DB Bent Over Rows
7 DB Squat Cleans
7 DB Push Presses

*Use 40lb dumbells (or scale for you)

Wendler Week 1/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 65% max (125lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (140lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (160lb)

-in between sets-
Pull Ups 6x5reps

WOD: "Grace" Benchmark
for Time:
30 Clean & Jerk (135lb)
Starting my 3rd Wendler Cycle and i'm pumped!  I havn't gone far enough to be PR'ing in the cycle but I am getting stronger no doubt.  If progress continues i'm thinking i'll keep this up through 5 or 6 cycles and then re-test some old CrossFit workouts to see the progress

Wendler Week 1/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 65% max (155lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (180lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (205lb)

WOD: From Mainsite - Benchmark
5 rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat (95lb)
WOD: From OneWorld
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
6 thrusters (M:115#/W:75#)
12 box jumps (M:24"/W:20")
Deloading week for Wendler so i'm just going to combine them to make sure I get through it before Sunday so I can start my 3rd Wendler cycle.  I'll only post WODs

WOD: (modified from Crossfit Football)
On the minute for 15 minutes

2 Power Cleans (choose weight)
Max reps - alternate every minute between double unders, push ups, sit ups

Power clean weight - Use something you can do 2reps of but that as you progress in time you will have to do 1 at a time
After your two power cleans you use the rest of the minute to do max reps... minute 1 it is double unders, minute 2 is push ups, minute 3 is sit ups...then back to double unders - get it?