Skill WOD:
Work on overhead squats
Work on Handstand or hand stand push ups (if you can find a friend and/or wall to help)

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-ups
7 Push-Ups
9 Overhead Lunges (45 lb barbell)

Rich: 8 rds + 5 pull ups, 7 push ups

Front Squat:
1-10-1-20-1-30 reps
Post weights used

From Mainsite

3 Rounds

25 Wallballs (20/10) OR Thruster (60lb)
25  Push Ups

I'm going to try to deadlift on the smith machine...but will likely be disappointed.  Also, I completely made up that thrusters can replace wallballs but the movements are so similar, I just upped the weight to make up for no "throwing".  Eventually I will make a wallball and bring it to the gym.