WOD: (Scale 1 "kinda" per Littleton)
4 Rounds:
27 Pull ups
27 Box Jumps (20/16)
27 KB swings (20/12)
27 Thrusters (bar)
800 m Run

45 min cap

Good luck!

2 Rounds:
9 Hang Power Clean (155/100)
15 Toes to bar
6 Hang Power Clean (155/100)
15 Toes to bar
3 Hang Power Clean (155/100)
15 Toes to bar

155 is a HEFTY hang clean so please scale as necessary
WOD: Stolen from Littleton and it looks like fun

On the 2:30 Minute Interval for 15 minutes:
15 KB Swings (24)
Sprint to opposite end of Gym
12 Squat Clean Thruster (45) (start all reps from the ground and do full squat clean thruster)
Sprint back to kettlebell

Penalty: After the workout, for each round not fully completed, do 5 overhead squats with 55lbs.

There is no distance for the sprint so i'm going to try to find the bigger room we have at my new gym and do it there.  Also, The squat clean thruster was supposed to be a squat clean thruster ball slam with 25lb but I have no idea what that is.  Also, for 2 days this workout was posted as "on the 2min interval for 14 min" they must have found out it was impossible.  I made up the penalty....isn't this fun!
Squat 3-3-3

AMRAP 12 min
5 Thruster (95lb)
10 Box JUmp (30")

don't remember where I got this

Brian: 225-235-235   - really need to work on form here, it was frustratingly bad.  The weight was lite but I was way up on my toes
WOD:8 or 9... I really lost count cuz my pen didn't work.  Also, this was KILLER!  especially with a 30" box and real thrusters are way harder
4 Rounds:
12 Front Squat (75lb)
15 burpees
100m sprint
15 Rounds:
3 Power Cleans (135)
6 Push ups
9 air squats

Brian: 13:08 (cleans scaled to 115)

So I have a trial at a real gym!  It is a hole but they have most of the equipment I want and a lot of room...we will see how it goes.  I scaled the cleans because it was my first time ever doing them with a bar...and I SUCK at them, I got some learning to do
Considering the CrossFit Littleton WOD for today is what I posted for the last workout..here is a WOD I hope I do tonight

20 min AMRAP
10 Push Press (50lb DBs)
10 DB/KB Swings (50lb)
10 Box Jump

Goodbye shoulders
9 Rounds:
5 DB Thrusters (50lb)
5 strict chin ups (try doing legs straight out until you can't do unbroken, then switch to regular)
5 burpees

From CrossFit Football I think.  I did one actual workout while in the DR and it was pretty killer but I don't remember what it was.  Otherwise I just gained a ton of weight and ate crap