AMRAP 10 min
5 Bar Facing Burpee
5 Thruster (115lb)
5 K2E
 WOD: From OneWorld/Littleton/Brian
Try to get a handle on your 1 rep max hang power clean (MORE CLEANS!)


EMOTM 8 minutes
3 hang power cleans @ 70% max

-full rest, then-

Weighted Step up (choose weight and height, use a barbell)
Double Under

WOD: From Littleton and modified
9 Rounds:
5 Clusters (Squat Clean 2 Thruster) (115lb)
5 Burpees
5 Jumping Pull Up

WOD: From Mainsite and modified

Five rounds for time of:
15 Weighted lunge, with a 75 pound barbell in the front rack position
30 Double-unders
6 Jumping Pull Ups (choose height)

*NOTE: 75lb may prove to be way too much or too little so scale as appropriate.  This isn't a move we have done much so i'm guessing.  The bar height for my jumping pull ups will be basically at the base of my fingers (I do a pull up workout on these days and like to throw in more pull ups to get to exhaustion

From Littleton:

9/11 Tribute WOD:

AMRAP 20:01:
9 Deadlifts (175#/93#)
11 Push-Press (77#/60#)
343M Run

The weights (175#/93#/77#) represent the flight #’s of the
hijacked planes (as does the 11 reps) – the 60# weight represents the
total number of police officers (NYPD/Port Authority) lost that day. The
343M run is for the firefighters killed in the 9/11 attacks. Rx’d or Scale 3.

*I realize this may not fit well into what we've done lately or be easy to accomplish but I think it is a nice thing that the Crossfit communit does so I am going to give it a
WOD: From Littleton
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
6 Dual DB push press (50lb or scale but make it difficult)
100m KB farmer’s carry (use same weight as above)
24 squats

*NOTE: farmer's carry is simply holding the weight at your side with your arms fully extended (like you are carrying luggage)
-Try your best to figure out HOW you can walk 100m (i'm thinking just counting steps, probably 150/200 steps because they are small steps with weight).  I personally will likely be walking all over the gym and likely having to walk around people, stop for them, etc. but this isn't a heavy farmer's carry so it shouldn't be an issue
-I doubt I will be doing 50lb, but it is a push press, so i'm thinking of getting enough weight that I will be able to do all 6 unbroken the first few sets but that I will struggle with later on and take 2-3 sets

WOD: Stolen and modified from main site
50 Thrusters (95lb)
*Every time you set the weight down, do 15 sit ups
complete at least 100 sit ups

post total time to complete thrusters and all sit ups

*NOTE: Yes, if you do all of the thrusters in 2 sets, thus only doing 15 sit ups, do 85 more sit ups at the end
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):

30 Double-Unders
3 Pull Ups
7 Push Ups
3 Ground to Overhead (Choose weight)

*If you fail a round, feel free to change the weight if you feel you will compete better

5 rounds for Time
5 Dumbbell Thrusters (40lb ea)
5 Strict Pull-Up/Chin-Up (alternate each set)
5 Burpees