Just an FYI, I have been taking it WAY to easy on a number of workouts.  When Littleton posts a Kettlebell exercise it is in KG, not pounds.  This is extremely helpful given that they list all other weights in pounds and, oh by the way, this is America!  I'm just kidding, most KBs are in KG or Pood so this is just common.

That being said, this explains why a few workouts have seemed too easy.  I will be sure to list the specifics better in the future.

P.s. 24kg = 52lb
20kg = 44lb
16 kg = 35lb
OR, 1kg = 2.2lb and you can do the match
WOD (thanks Littleton):
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg)(53lb/35lb)
12 Pull-ups

15min cutoff

This is a GREAT benchmark workout.

I think I am sitting this one out because I just got my jumprope and want to play with it so I might just make up a workout
Power Clean & Jerk


1000M Row OR 1mi Run

Excited about this heavy lift, warm up a couple sets on the clean & jerk and then get after it.  Feel free to do a split jerk or "normal(?)" jerk.
AMRAP 10 min
Shove old ladies and children out of the way to get that last TV on sale!
Post number of people injured to comments

Just kidding, people make me laugh on Black Friday.  Waiting in line for hours to save $10... if you are one of these people and thus your time is only worth $2/hr please report to my house immediately and I will keep you busy for a LONG time.

Bench Press
3x5 Reps

WOD (stolen from CrossFit Football)
5 Strict Pull Ups
7 Push Press @ 65% of body weight
9 Knees to Elbows

Scale 1: 55% body weight

Scale 2: 45% body weight

WOD (stolen from Littleton):
3 Rounds:
30 Snatch (75lb)
30 DB Thrusters (20lb ea) or 20lb wall ball if available

20 min cutoff

Wanted to to Littleton thanksgiving WOD but alas they made it a secret.  This will have to do. 

Notes: If I list Scales 1 or 2, it is just a prescribed way to scale the workout.  If you do something that is outside of the RX or the 2 scales (harder or easier), call it Scale 3 and tell us what you did.
On the 2 minute interval for 20 minutes

16 Jumping Lunges
12 KB Swings (24/16)
8 KB Halos (24/16)
4 Sit-Thrus

For each round you fail to complete within the two minute interval, assess a penalty. At the end of 20 minutes perform 2 gym lengths of a med ball burpee to broad jump for every missed round (20/12).

- Sit-thru you can easily look up online, but basically it looks like you are break-dancing.  You are on your feet and hands, then you lift your right arm and kick your left leg through and then do the opposite, that is one rep.
- Halo I would look up... but you hold the kettlebell upside down at your chin and then circle it all the way around your head without moving your head (or hitting it!)
- Penalty - Simply hold a medball (or don't if you don't have one), do a burpee but instead of jumping up, jump as far as you can.  This is how you progress across the gym.

5×5 Back Squat


AMRAP in 5 mins x 2
Full rest between attempts

2 Chest 2 bar pull ups
4 Jump Touches (12″/8″)
6 Push Ups

Notes: A Jump touch is simply putting a mark 12" above your highest reach (or picking a brick, etc) and jumping to touch it... Only count reps where you get up high enough. 
-Feel free to modify to chin above bar pull ups        
-This is 2 AMRAPS, get a full rest in b/w
7 Rounds:
7 Squat Cleans (155/100)
14 KB Swings (70#/20KG)

Scale 1:

Scale 2:

I think I will be doing a "Scale 3" because I want to use 45lb KB (the heaviest we have) instead of the 24# but I need to use the 125 on the cleans.  Anywho, very excited about this WOD, I want to continue to hammer home my form on the O-lifts

SDHP (70lb) - Sumo deadlift high pull (maybe look it up)
Dive bomber push up
Goblet Squat (70lb DB)

10 minute cutoff

Penalty: 25 burpee box jumps
30 sit ups

Sumo deadlift high pull is basically get in a wide stance, close grip on the bar (if you have a Kettle bell that heavy, use that today), good form deadlift and then almost like you are going to clean it, you want to explode the bar up to your chin with your elbows flaired out.  This should not feel like you are really pulling with your arms, you should get it up there from the force of your legs and just guide it with your arms.

We are going to try to mimic Littleton in terms of creating more time cutoffs and penalties to increase the intensity when working out alone.  If you can't do a workout RX'd you always want to scale such that the time cutoff isn't guaranteed nor is it impossible.  Make it hard on yourself so that you get better!
Overhead Press

In between each set:
Max rep strict L-chin up
for time:
30 squats (135lb)
20 deadlift (135lb)