_Back Squat: 5/5/5
Max rep L-Chin Up between sets

15 O-Squats (105lb) (no rack, weight comes off the ground)
15 KB Swings (45lb)
50 DU’s
10 O-Squats
10 KB Swings
50 DU’s
5 O-Squats
5 KB Swings
50 DU’s

12 min cutoff

Penalty: 20 burpees, then finish workout and post time.
_WOD: Stolen from OneWorld
Overhead Squat 5/5/5 (Do a snatch to get the weight up there on each set unless you can squat too much)


10 Rounds:
1 Clean & Jerk (choose heaviest you can do)
5 pull up - or bent over row if pull up bar is occupado
10 push up
15 air squat

WOD: (with partner)
6 rounds:
25 box jumps (24")
25 American KB Swings (45lb)
25 Burpees

One person may work at a time, working until they need a break and then partner takes over where they left off
Front Squat 5/5/5 (increase weight all 3 sets)
full rest
Jump Tuck
Power Snatch (75lb)
Hand-release Push Up

10-min cutoff (this means stop at 10 even if you aren't done)

Penalty: 1 Burpee for each rep missed

Jump tuck - E
xplosive jump where you jump as high as you can and tuck your knees into your chest at the top
5 rounds:
30 KB swings (45lb or 52lb)
20 Double Unders
20 PUsh ups

combo wod isn't something cool I came up with, I just combined a few wods I saw to work on stuff and to avoid squatting too much cuz my legs are hurt in like 5 ways.
The Challenge:
How much can you improve in 8 weeks!
1) Complete Hero Wod "Wittman" on or around 12/7/11
2) Train for 8 weeks
3) Complete "Wittman" again on or around 2/4/11
4) Calculate % improved
5) Win the adoration of many beautiful people of your desired sex

This is a CrossFit Littleton thing and we thought it would be a great way to really track some progress and compete with Rich and his whole gym (they don't know about it, but we do!).  Link for any other info is here:

20 min AMRAP
15 Kettlebell swings (24kg or 53lb or 1.5pood) (I will use 45lb cuz that is what I have)
15 Power Cleans (95lb)
15 Box Jumps (24")

Scale this however you want if you feel you need to, this is for anyone to compete in, you just have to make sure you do it the same again in 8 weeks.
_WOD (Littleton):
Turkey Challenge Chipper
50 Plate ground to overhead (GTO) (45/25).
75 Hand-release pushups
100 Air squats
Run 1200 meters with plate 45 lb./25 lb.

Must be completed in order. 45 minute cut-off

Chipper: This means you much complete all reps of a movement before moving onto the next movement
Ground to Overhead (GTO): KISS method people... all this means is get it from the ground to over your head...by any means necessary
Hand-release pushups - Do a push up such that at the bottom, with your chest on the ground, you lift your hands off the ground.