WOD: From OneWorld - also the 1st workout of the 2011 CrossFit Open
10 Min AMRAP
30 double unders
15 Power Snatches (75lb)

I haven't been pounding on Double Unders so I thought I would bring them back...and I couldn't resist using a CrossFit Open workout.
Wendler Week 3/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 75% max (165lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (185lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (210lb)


From OneWorld and altered

AMRAP 12 minutes:
5 Overhead Squats w/ no rack (95lb) or Front Squats w/ no rack (135lb)
10 Knees to elbows
15 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
3 Manmakers (20lb DBs)

*NOTES: No Rack means weight comes off the floor
I know there has been a lot of double unders lately so I provided an alternative or feel free to scale to single reps
Manmaker review - Hold dumbells in your hands, jump out to push up position, do 1 push up and then row with your left hand, perform another pushup and then row with you right hand, jump your feet to your hands, perform a power clean thruster...that is one rep
Feel free to Scale 3 on the squats to a weight that makes sense for you... I think it should be a weight you can't always get all 5 in one set on

The Challenge:
How much can you improve in 8 weeks!
1) Complete Hero Wod "Wittman" on or around 12/7/11
2) Train for 8 weeks
3) Complete "Wittman" again on or around 2/4/11
4) Calculate % improved
5) Win the adoration of many beautiful people of your desired sex

This is a CrossFit Littleton thing and we thought it would be a great way to really track some progress and compete with Rich and his whole gym (they don't know about it, but we do!).  Link for any other info is here:

20 min AMRAP
15 Kettlebell swings (24kg or 53lb or 1.5pood) (I will use 45lb cuz that is what I have)
15 Power Cleans (95lb)
15 Box Jumps (24")

Scale this however you want if you feel you need to, this is for anyone to compete in, you just have to make sure you do it the same again in 8 weeks.
5×5 Back Squat


AMRAP in 5 mins x 2
Full rest between attempts

2 Chest 2 bar pull ups
4 Jump Touches (12″/8″)
6 Push Ups

Notes: A Jump touch is simply putting a mark 12" above your highest reach (or picking a brick, etc) and jumping to touch it... Only count reps where you get up high enough. 
-Feel free to modify to chin above bar pull ups        
-This is 2 AMRAPS, get a full rest in b/w
Squat 3-3-3

AMRAP 12 min
5 Thruster (95lb)
10 Box JUmp (30")

don't remember where I got this

Brian: 225-235-235   - really need to work on form here, it was frustratingly bad.  The weight was lite but I was way up on my toes
WOD:8 or 9... I really lost count cuz my pen didn't work.  Also, this was KILLER!  especially with a 30" box and real thrusters are way harder
Considering the CrossFit Littleton WOD for today is what I posted for the last workout..here is a WOD I hope I do tonight

20 min AMRAP
10 Push Press (50lb DBs)
10 DB/KB Swings (50lb)
10 Box Jump

Goodbye shoulders
Skill WOD:
Work on overhead squats
Work on Handstand or hand stand push ups (if you can find a friend and/or wall to help)

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-ups
7 Push-Ups
9 Overhead Lunges (45 lb barbell)

Rich: 8 rds + 5 pull ups, 7 push ups

Work up to 1 rep Max Bench Squat (see below for explanation)
Rest as needed b/w sets and before moving on


10 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 KB Swings (55lb)
5 Plyo Push ups
10 Box Jumps

Post Max squat weight and # reps on the AMRAP to comments.

Bench Squat: Put something (bench, box, whatever) under your butt to sit back (not down) onto at the bottom of your squat that makes you parallel (not too high).  You sit back onto the box, pause for a split second and go back to the starting position.  It is not bounce off the box and go, nor is it graze the box and go.

Plyo Push Up:Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the ground, perform an explosive push ups that allows you to transition the hand on the ground to the hand on the plate and vice versa (I may just do this eyeballing it so I don't crush my hand on a plate)

When it says "work up to your 1 rep max" it means take a couple sets to get there.  If you think you will max out at 300, try going 95, 145, 185, 225, 275, 285, 300.  Or something like that.  Feel free to do 2 or 3 reps at the lower weights but other than a warmup set, don't do more than that.

A lot of explanation but I think this will be good to try.  Also, trying to get the heavier stuff back in here but def don't want to lose the cardio so hybrid workouts are the soup de jour.
6 Rounds
As many reps as possible in 2 min of:
Power Clean Thruster (115/75 lbs)

Rest 2 min.

We did this a while ago:



1 - 17
2 - 15
3 - 13
4 - 14
5 - 14
6 - 13


1 - 10 (115lbs)
2 - 10 (95lbs)
3 - 10 (95lbs)
4 - 8 (95lbs)
5 - 9 (95lbs)
6 - 8 (95lbs)


1 -10 (40 lbs)
2 - 13  (35 lbs)
3 - 11  (35 lbs)
4 - 10  (35 lbs)
5 - 9  (35 lbs)
6 - 9  (35 lbs)

I expect huge gains from both of you.
WOD: AMRAP 15min
15 Wall Balls (20lb)
15 Dive Bomber Pushups
15 KB Swing (50lb)
15 Box Jumps

Exercise Clips:
Dive Bomber Pushups
Wall Balls