WOD: From Littleton

3 Rounds:
10 Burpees2Lateral Jump (24")
12 KB Snatch (45lb)


3 Rounds:
10 Back Squats (135lb)
12 Deadlift (135lb)
(use same bar)

Post Total Time

Scale as appropriate for you

*NOTES: Do all 3 rounds of the first Couplet before moving to the next couplet.
-Burpee 2 Lateral Jump means do a burpee and then jump sideways OVER a 24" box/bench/whatever
-KB Snatch is one-arm, choose any arm and switch whenever you want..do all 36 on one arm if you want
-Squats and Deadlift - Use the same bar..don't care if you always start off the ground or rack it for back squats and then drop it to do the deads.
WOD: Modified From Littleton
Modified “Linda”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 185lb
KB Swing: 45lb
Clean & Jerk: 115lb

Wendler Week 3/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 75% max (210lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (235lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (265lb)


WOD: (modified from OneWorld)
4 Rounds:
Alternate between (meaning 2 rounds of each)
1) 3 min
Run 400m
Max reps Deadlift @ 135lb
Rest 1 Min

2) 3 min
Row 400m (or run 400m if no rower)
Max reps KB Swing @ chosen weight (45lb for me)
Rest 1 Min

*NOTES: In other words, it is 4 - 4minute rounds.  You do your run/row and then use the rest of 3 minutes to do max reps of the movement, rest 1 minute, move onto next round.

Wendler Week 2/Day 3:
3 Reps @ 70% max (180lb)
3 Reps @ 80% max (210lb)
AMRAP @ 90% max (235lb)


Deadlift (185lb)
KB Swing (45lb)
Sit Up

Wendler Week 1/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 65% max (180lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (210lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (235lb)


Do 'DT' in the post below




Hello, boys. Long time, no see. Glad to see that you're still posting and keeping up! Thought I'd post this strength WOD that we did over a year ago! (mainly because I want you to try it again)

5 Rounds
12 Dead Lift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Rx'd is 155 lbs. I did it at 125 over a year ago so that's what I did it at last night.

2011 score: 15:45
2012 score: 11:37


Back from two weeks in Europe!  It was fabulous and I walked about 5-10mi each day BUT I also ate more bread in a day than I eat in a year and drank 4-10 Guiness a day... oh right, and save for the one time I sprinted up a hill to get a better picture, no exercise.

Plan going forward is this....today is a quick detox WOD to get me back into the swing.  Then continue Wendler 4 days per week, with 2 of those days (squat and deadlift day) to have a Crossfit component after the lifting.  I will probably try to make one heavier and one lighter.  Joe should be joining along so hopefully more will too and Joe will also be posting a lighter and/or bodyweight type workout 1x per week.

Another note:  Summer is upon us which means different things to different people.  For me it means most weekends I am out of town or otherwise preoccupied and also that I will be playing softball 1-2 nights/week, bball 1 night, and hopefully golf at least 1 time.  In other words, I have all the great intentions of doing the workouts as I said above but some "weeks" may take 1.5 weeks, etc.  The important thing is that we all don't lose motivation or beat ourselves up for going to a cookout on a beautiful day instead of hitting the gym.

If you made it this far, your reward is the following:
Quick warmup for future Wendler:
Squat @ 60% (135lb) 3x3
Deadlift @ 135 3x5
Overhead press @ 65lb 3x5
Bench @ 105 3x5

WOD: From OneWorld
50 KB Swing
10 Double Under (or sub singles...or tuck jumps)
40 KB Swing
20 DU
30 KB
30 DU
20 KB
40 DU
10 KB
50 DU
Wendler Week 3/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 75% max (205lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (230lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (255lb)


WOD: from Littleton

KB Snatch - each arm (35lb)

The snatch is 10 Right Arm, 10 Left Arm, then 9 and 9 on the second set etc.

Wendler Week 2/Day 3:
3 Reps @ 70% max (190lb)
3 Reps @ 80% max (215lb)
AMRAP @ 90% max (245lb)


WOD: From OneWorld

"Heavy Annie"

Complete the following for time:

50 Double Unders
5 Clean & Jerk (85% of 1RM that you found yesterday)
40 DU
4 C&J
30 DU
3 C&J
20 DU
2 C&J
10 DU
1 C&J

Me: I will do DU and I found my 1RM Clean and Jerk yesterday was 160lb * 85% = ~135lb
This is the first post that will begin to follow the Wendler 5-3-1 strength program.  I have decided that I need some real "programming" in order to improve as opposed to just picking workouts (and let's face it, we all do)
Expect that 4 times/week I will post a Wendler workout, based on MY 1RM that we found out on Wednesday.  Part of the program is that you also do other work so I will post that to and a lot of it is CrossFit.

The basics will be this:
Day 1: Squat work + crossfit
Day 2: Bench Press + Olympic lift work + Pull up progression
Day 3: Deadlift + CrossFit
Day 4: Overhead Press + Olympic lift work + Pull up progression
Possible Days 5/6: CrossFit

So, for Saturday(tomorrow), here is the workout:
Wendler Week 1/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 65% max (145lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (165lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (185lb)

*Notes: the program deducts 10% off your Max that we got to the other day and uses that as your Max calculations.  I have put my weights in ().  When I say AMRAP I mean 'As many REPS as possible' on that last set, GO ALL OUT

OTMEM 8 minutes
1 Deadlift (225lb)
5 Bar facing Burpee
7 Goblet Squats (45lb)

*Notes: 'OTMEM' means 'On the minute every minute'
Bar facing burpee - Face the deadlift bar, do a burpee, jump over the bar, turn around, next burpee
Goblet Squat - Feel free to use dumbbell or kettlebell