On the 2 minute interval for 20 minutes

16 Jumping Lunges
12 KB Swings (24/16)
8 KB Halos (24/16)
4 Sit-Thrus

For each round you fail to complete within the two minute interval, assess a penalty. At the end of 20 minutes perform 2 gym lengths of a med ball burpee to broad jump for every missed round (20/12).

- Sit-thru you can easily look up online, but basically it looks like you are break-dancing.  You are on your feet and hands, then you lift your right arm and kick your left leg through and then do the opposite, that is one rep.
- Halo I would look up... but you hold the kettlebell upside down at your chin and then circle it all the way around your head without moving your head (or hitting it!)
- Penalty - Simply hold a medball (or don't if you don't have one), do a burpee but instead of jumping up, jump as far as you can.  This is how you progress across the gym.