ATTENTION: This workout has changed from original post

: Stolen from Littleton and modified a little....if you can't get to treadmills or a place to walk/run then replace these movements with something taxing on the lungs.. you can always scale, even if it is with a diff movement

2 Rounds:
200M Farmers Carry(30lb object in each hand - I would recommend KB or DB)
400 M Sprint
10 Hand Release push ups
12 k2e
15 overhead lunges w/bar (45lb)

NOTES: -Farmers Carry - Simply hold something (in this case a 25lb plate) in each hand and walk the prescribed distance...feel free to jog (or yog you use a soft 'j') if you can... I will likely be walking because I will be on a treadmill and will have to set the speed and just hope this works out
-K2E is knees to elbows (hang on pull up bar and hit your knees on your elbows)
-Overhead lunges can be walking if you have room or stationary if you don't
Wendler Week 3/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 75% max (165lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (185lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (210lb)


From OneWorld and altered

AMRAP 12 minutes:
5 Overhead Squats w/ no rack (95lb) or Front Squats w/ no rack (135lb)
10 Knees to elbows
15 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
3 Manmakers (20lb DBs)

*NOTES: No Rack means weight comes off the floor
I know there has been a lot of double unders lately so I provided an alternative or feel free to scale to single reps
Manmaker review - Hold dumbells in your hands, jump out to push up position, do 1 push up and then row with your left hand, perform another pushup and then row with you right hand, jump your feet to your hands, perform a power clean thruster...that is one rep
Feel free to Scale 3 on the squats to a weight that makes sense for you... I think it should be a weight you can't always get all 5 in one set on

AMRAP 10 min
Shove old ladies and children out of the way to get that last TV on sale!
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Just kidding, people make me laugh on Black Friday.  Waiting in line for hours to save $10... if you are one of these people and thus your time is only worth $2/hr please report to my house immediately and I will keep you busy for a LONG time.

Bench Press
3x5 Reps

WOD (stolen from CrossFit Football)
5 Strict Pull Ups
7 Push Press @ 65% of body weight
9 Knees to Elbows

Scale 1: 55% body weight

Scale 2: 45% body weight

Two rounds for time of:
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups (or chin-ups)
95 pound Split-jerk or Squat jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds

- 'L' means have your legs straight out in front of you, obviously no kipping
- Do the Jerk from your shoulders (or the 'rack' position), from the ground is called a snatch.  Feel free to do it split or not depending on your comfort level

I scaled this from 3 to 2 rounds instead of going lighter so I could work on these...but I may find that I need to scale it to 75 or 80 anyway, do what makes you work but doesn't make a weight fall on your head
Article of the minute: Is Meat Bad for You? .. This article is more about tearing down weak studies that get published and plant incorrect ideas in the public's head.  This is a real problem because people take these "findings" as gospel, like that fat is bad for you. If you asked anyone with any data/stats/research background if these studies are any good they would laugh.

3 Rounds:
10 Kettlebell Swing (52/35 lbs)
10 Knees to Elbows (or 20 hanging knee raise if that is all the equipment you have)


3 Rounds
10 Pull ups
15 Pushups
20 Box Jumps

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