WOD I made up because I couldn't get any equipment

HOG (hands off ground) Push Up
Sit Up
Overhead Lunge with bar (45lb)
Double Under
ATTENTION: This workout has changed from original post

: Stolen from Littleton and modified a little....if you can't get to treadmills or a place to walk/run then replace these movements with something taxing on the lungs.. you can always scale, even if it is with a diff movement

2 Rounds:
200M Farmers Carry(30lb object in each hand - I would recommend KB or DB)
400 M Sprint
10 Hand Release push ups
12 k2e
15 overhead lunges w/bar (45lb)

NOTES: -Farmers Carry - Simply hold something (in this case a 25lb plate) in each hand and walk the prescribed distance...feel free to jog (or yog you use a soft 'j') if you can... I will likely be walking because I will be on a treadmill and will have to set the speed and just hope this works out
-K2E is knees to elbows (hang on pull up bar and hit your knees on your elbows)
-Overhead lunges can be walking if you have room or stationary if you don't
Deload Week
Wendler Week 4/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 40% max (70lb)
5 Reps @ 50% max (90lb)
5 Reps @ 60% max (105lb)

In between sets: Pull Ups 5 x 4 reps

Then, from LIttleton
13 Rounds
6 – HPC (Hang Power Clean)
6 – Push Presses
6 – Wtd Lunges (barbell on back)

Same weight for all exercises (115/75), if you put the bar down during the round, immediately perform 13 burpees.
Scale 1: 105lb
Scale 2: 85lb

Long story short, walk into my gym Monday ready to do the mandatory WOD below and low and behold there is a guy claiming to do a CrossFit class...so I join in.  I'll go into mroe detail later, it was decent.

Long Excessive warm up
3 Rounds:
Lunges - 8 lengths of gym (20ft, about 8-10 lunges depending on height, so total 64-80 lunges)
15 burpees
20 KB Swings (45lb)
30 Sit ups
34 KB Swings (45lb)
34 Box Jump (20")
34 Goblet Squats (50lb)
34 Push Up’s
34 Sit Thru’s
34 Sit Up’s
34 Jumping Lunges
34 Goblet Squats (50lb)
34 Box Jumps (20")
34 KB Swings (45lb)
On the 2 minute interval for 20 minutes

16 Jumping Lunges
12 KB Swings (24/16)
8 KB Halos (24/16)
4 Sit-Thrus

For each round you fail to complete within the two minute interval, assess a penalty. At the end of 20 minutes perform 2 gym lengths of a med ball burpee to broad jump for every missed round (20/12).

- Sit-thru you can easily look up online, but basically it looks like you are break-dancing.  You are on your feet and hands, then you lift your right arm and kick your left leg through and then do the opposite, that is one rep.
- Halo I would look up... but you hold the kettlebell upside down at your chin and then circle it all the way around your head without moving your head (or hitting it!)
- Penalty - Simply hold a medball (or don't if you don't have one), do a burpee but instead of jumping up, jump as far as you can.  This is how you progress across the gym.

Skill WOD:
Work on overhead squats
Work on Handstand or hand stand push ups (if you can find a friend and/or wall to help)

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-ups
7 Push-Ups
9 Overhead Lunges (45 lb barbell)

Rich: 8 rds + 5 pull ups, 7 push ups

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

2 Rounds:
AMRAP 7 min
5 Power snatch + overhead squat (60lb) - 1 rep is power snatch, then overhead squat
5 Burpees
10 Overhead Lunges (60lb)

Rest 3 min.

Scale as necessary.  I will be using whatever the heaviest pre-loaded bars we have are, which I think is 60.  This is likely going to be somewhat metcon but adding those complex moves, even at light weight, should provide a nice challenge and practice...especially after heavy squatting.