Wendler Week 3/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 75% max (210lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (235lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (265lb)


WOD: (modified from OneWorld)
4 Rounds:
Alternate between (meaning 2 rounds of each)
1) 3 min
Run 400m
Max reps Deadlift @ 135lb
Rest 1 Min

2) 3 min
Row 400m (or run 400m if no rower)
Max reps KB Swing @ chosen weight (45lb for me)
Rest 1 Min

*NOTES: In other words, it is 4 - 4minute rounds.  You do your run/row and then use the rest of 3 minutes to do max reps of the movement, rest 1 minute, move onto next round.

3 rounds:
Run 400 yards*
50 Air Squats
25 KB Swings (35lb)
*2nd round run should be done carrying your kettlebell

Reminder: All KB swings should be over the head from now on.
Modified Littleton WOD

8 rounds:
7 Pull ups
7 Deadlift (135lb)

*ATTENTION:  You can get e-mail updates about comments by checking the box after your comment that says something like "Notify me of new comments to this post by email"
_WOD (Littleton):
Turkey Challenge Chipper
50 Plate ground to overhead (GTO) (45/25).
75 Hand-release pushups
100 Air squats
Run 1200 meters with plate 45 lb./25 lb.

Must be completed in order. 45 minute cut-off

Chipper: This means you much complete all reps of a movement before moving onto the next movement
Ground to Overhead (GTO): KISS method people... all this means is get it from the ground to over your head...by any means necessary
Hand-release pushups - Do a push up such that at the bottom, with your chest on the ground, you lift your hands off the ground.

WOD (thanks Littleton):
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg)(53lb/35lb)
12 Pull-ups

15min cutoff

This is a GREAT benchmark workout.

I think I am sitting this one out because I just got my jumprope and want to play with it so I might just make up a workout
Power Clean & Jerk


1000M Row OR 1mi Run

Excited about this heavy lift, warm up a couple sets on the clean & jerk and then get after it.  Feel free to do a split jerk or "normal(?)" jerk.
5 rounds
400m run
30 box jumps (24")
30 wall ball (20lb) or 30 goblet squat (25lb)

The actual workout is for a 20lb wall ball but most of us don't have the wall to use or a 20lb medicine ball.  I upped the weight a little bit on the goblet squat to account for not throwing it.