ATTENTION: This workout has changed from original post

: Stolen from Littleton and modified a little....if you can't get to treadmills or a place to walk/run then replace these movements with something taxing on the lungs.. you can always scale, even if it is with a diff movement

2 Rounds:
200M Farmers Carry(30lb object in each hand - I would recommend KB or DB)
400 M Sprint
10 Hand Release push ups
12 k2e
15 overhead lunges w/bar (45lb)

NOTES: -Farmers Carry - Simply hold something (in this case a 25lb plate) in each hand and walk the prescribed distance...feel free to jog (or yog you use a soft 'j') if you can... I will likely be walking because I will be on a treadmill and will have to set the speed and just hope this works out
-K2E is knees to elbows (hang on pull up bar and hit your knees on your elbows)
-Overhead lunges can be walking if you have room or stationary if you don't
WOD: Slightly modified from OneWorld

Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Box Jump (24")
KB Swing (45lb)
KB Goblet Squat (45lb)
Choose: Run 100m -or- 30 double Unders -or- 7 Burpees

NOTES: Feel free to use a DB instead of a KB...scale as needed
Also, the workout calls for the 100m run but I can't do taht at my gym so I arbitrarily made up some other items and the conversions may not be fair...too bad.  I will likely do double unders
Starting my 3rd Wendler Cycle and i'm pumped!  I havn't gone far enough to be PR'ing in the cycle but I am getting stronger no doubt.  If progress continues i'm thinking i'll keep this up through 5 or 6 cycles and then re-test some old CrossFit workouts to see the progress

Wendler Week 1/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 65% max (155lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (180lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (205lb)

WOD: From Mainsite - Benchmark
5 rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat (95lb)
De-load week
Wendler Week 4/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 40% max (90lb)
5 Reps @ 50% max (110lb)
5 Reps @ 60% max (130lb)

PUsh Jerk 3x3

4 Rounds:
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95lb)
200m run
1min plank (on elbows, bellow facing floor)
Really liked this Littleton WOD below.
Also, keep in mind, if i've learned anything from CrossFit gyms that I like it, a full 'workout' shouldn't just be a WOD.  You should Warm up, work on a skill or lift heavy, and then WOD (or something like that). You should always be working on something, trying to get better outside the WOD so that in the future you are better.  Don't worry about 'using up your strength' so you do poorly on the WOD, who cares what your score actually is, or frankly how much time/reps you 'lost' by working on things before it.  Just try not to burn out what you are using in the WOD (ex. don't do hand stand push ups before the WOD has push press in it).  Anywho, sometimes I post a little skill/weight work as a reminder but I leave it up to you to attack your weaknesses on a daily basis.

Skill Work
Back Squat 3x12 (work on form)
Front Squat 3x5 (work on strength)

“Crushing Helen”
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
100 yard Sprint
8 KB Swings – (70lb/20kg)
5 Plyo Push Ups

*Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the ground, perform an explosive push ups that allows you to transition the hand on the ground to the hand on the plate and vice versa.
*100 yd sprint - don't be afraid to go into a room, like I will, that is only 20 yds and do 5 back-and-forth

Scale 1:

Scale 2:
Knee Plyo Push-Ups

WOD: (Scale 1 "kinda" per Littleton)
4 Rounds:
27 Pull ups
27 Box Jumps (20/16)
27 KB swings (20/12)
27 Thrusters (bar)
800 m Run

45 min cap

Good luck!

WOD: Stolen from Littleton and it looks like fun

On the 2:30 Minute Interval for 15 minutes:
15 KB Swings (24)
Sprint to opposite end of Gym
12 Squat Clean Thruster (45) (start all reps from the ground and do full squat clean thruster)
Sprint back to kettlebell

Penalty: After the workout, for each round not fully completed, do 5 overhead squats with 55lbs.

There is no distance for the sprint so i'm going to try to find the bigger room we have at my new gym and do it there.  Also, The squat clean thruster was supposed to be a squat clean thruster ball slam with 25lb but I have no idea what that is.  Also, for 2 days this workout was posted as "on the 2min interval for 14 min" they must have found out it was impossible.  I made up the penalty....isn't this fun!
4 Rounds:
12 Front Squat (75lb)
15 burpees
100m sprint
Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3x5
GHD Sit Ups 3 x 12 (i'm probably scaling to 5-6 reps until I get used to these)

2 x 20 yard Sprints (rest 20 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
4 x 30 yard Sprints (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
10 x 10 yard Flying Starts (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
*take 10 yards to accelerate, you should be full speed by the time you hit your start.

Post weights to comments and feelings about sprints

I'm in love with CF Football programming, so deal with it.  Doing squats 3 times in a week won't hurt you and we'll see if it gets changed up in the future.  Just trying to get stronger kids

GHD sit ups - These are sit ups using what you think is the back extension machine.  Put your butt on the pad, be held in by your toes.  Straighten your legs on the way up, this is important, engage them!  The full range of motion is to touch your hands to the ground and then up to touch your knees.  But realize that you will be fried for days if you do that so consider scaling (both reps and the range of motion)

Super Important Link:  10 things to wrap in bacon    This is also a great site in general


3 Rounds
Max Rep Deadlift choose your weight (I will use 75lb DBs)
Rest 90 seconds

Post weight used and reps performed
Rest as needed after last set


6 Rounds
Sprint 100
10 Burpees
Rest 90 seconds
Post time to comments

This is one of my favorite kind of workouts, a good hybrid.  I plan to do my deadlifts inside and then get outside for the other part