AMRAP 10 min
Shove old ladies and children out of the way to get that last TV on sale!
Post number of people injured to comments

Just kidding, people make me laugh on Black Friday.  Waiting in line for hours to save $10... if you are one of these people and thus your time is only worth $2/hr please report to my house immediately and I will keep you busy for a LONG time.

Bench Press
3x5 Reps

WOD (stolen from CrossFit Football)
5 Strict Pull Ups
7 Push Press @ 65% of body weight
9 Knees to Elbows

Scale 1: 55% body weight

Scale 2: 45% body weight

Squat 3-3-3

AMRAP 12 min
5 Thruster (95lb)
10 Box JUmp (30")

don't remember where I got this

Brian: 225-235-235   - really need to work on form here, it was frustratingly bad.  The weight was lite but I was way up on my toes
WOD:8 or 9... I really lost count cuz my pen didn't work.  Also, this was KILLER!  especially with a 30" box and real thrusters are way harder

3 Rounds

25 Wallballs (20/10) OR Thruster (60lb)
25  Push Ups

I'm going to try to deadlift on the smith machine...but will likely be disappointed.  Also, I completely made up that thrusters can replace wallballs but the movements are so similar, I just upped the weight to make up for no "throwing".  Eventually I will make a wallball and bring it to the gym.
Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

2 Rounds:
AMRAP 7 min
5 Power snatch + overhead squat (60lb) - 1 rep is power snatch, then overhead squat
5 Burpees
10 Overhead Lunges (60lb)

Rest 3 min.

Scale as necessary.  I will be using whatever the heaviest pre-loaded bars we have are, which I think is 60.  This is likely going to be somewhat metcon but adding those complex moves, even at light weight, should provide a nice challenge and practice...especially after heavy squatting.

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3x5
GHD Sit Ups 3 x 12 (i'm probably scaling to 5-6 reps until I get used to these)

2 x 20 yard Sprints (rest 20 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
4 x 30 yard Sprints (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
10 x 10 yard Flying Starts (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
*take 10 yards to accelerate, you should be full speed by the time you hit your start.

Post weights to comments and feelings about sprints

I'm in love with CF Football programming, so deal with it.  Doing squats 3 times in a week won't hurt you and we'll see if it gets changed up in the future.  Just trying to get stronger kids

GHD sit ups - These are sit ups using what you think is the back extension machine.  Put your butt on the pad, be held in by your toes.  Straighten your legs on the way up, this is important, engage them!  The full range of motion is to touch your hands to the ground and then up to touch your knees.  But realize that you will be fried for days if you do that so consider scaling (both reps and the range of motion)

SWOD: Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
(yes, I realize this is the same as the last one, but I followed CrossFit Football so I thought i'd give it a shot)

Complete 5 rounds for time:

2 Presses @ 80% of 1 RM
2 Strict Chin Ups
2 Presses @ 80% of 1 RM
4 Strict Chin Ups
2 Presses @ 80% of 1 RM
6 Strict Chin Ups

Again, totally ripped off from CrossFit Football

1 RM: 1 rep max.  Generally you know about what that I recommend warming up, then finding your 1 RM in 2-3 sets
Strict Chin Ups: Use palm facing you (or in) close grip with no kipping and go all the way down
Presses: Simply, standing overhead press with no leg or hip involvement

I'm going to do a couple reps to figure out my 1RM but i'm guessing it is 45lb DBs.

I picked this to get in a more strength based and upper-body focused workout before I try to do a bike/run brick workout tomorrow (yeah, my triathlon is 3 weeks away)

Awesome Stat of the day: Smoking has decreased from ~43% of adults to ~23% from 1965 to 2010. Link
(Stolen from great post on CrossFit OneWorld)

SWOD: Back Squat 3x5 (this generally means use the same weight for all 3 sets, unlike 5/5/5)
WOD: 'The Volkswagon"
Body Weight Bench Press (adjust if needed)

Post weight used for SWOD and weight and time on the WOD

What the heck is SWOD?  In short, SWOD means Strength Workout Of the Day.  As you may or may not have noticed, I have taken a liking recently to the "hybrid" workouts where you do more of a strength based thing first, usually 1 exercise for a couple sets, then do a more traditional CrossFit cardio/muscle failure workout.  This is great to me in an number of ways.  First, as Freddy over at CrossFit OneWorld has said (roughly), being stronger makes everything else easier.  We could all get a bit stronger and be better for it.  Second, the strength moves at the beginning add a new challenge to the second part of the workout, even when the muscles aren't related.

I have also began taking a real liking to the programming at CrossFit Football.  Where every day there is an SWOD and a WOD posted.  Long story long, I will be adding more of these in to improve our overall strength and continue to work on difficult and heavy lifts.  I will likely note them separately instead of the using the 'xyz THEN zyx' notation and you can feel free to skip on a particular day if necessary.

Another note:  I will likely do the "Body Weight Bench Press" at something I can crank out 6-8 times which is probably 170 for me (weaaak).